UCLH Preoperative Assessment


The UCLH Preoperative Assessment (POA) short course is designed for healthcare professionals who wish to enhance their knowledge in preoperative care and contribute to positive outcomes for patients undergoing surgical intervention.

Free to all UCLH employees. Please email us at uclh.hapcp@nhs.net to receive the relevant discount coupon.


This course will focus on the pre-operative management of surgical patients and the role of the nurse within the pre-assessment setting. At the end of this course, the learner should be able to:

  • Understand the role of pre-assessment in improving patient outcomes

  • Take an effective and appropriate patient history and assessment 

  • Identify and recognise significant patient information that may affect surgical outcomes

  • Identify appropriate pre-operative investigations related to surgical procedures and individual patient conditions 

  • Identify medications that have clinical significance on surgical procedures and be able to provide appropriate patient education  

This course is designed for healthcare professionals who wish to enhance their knowledge in preoperative care and contribute to positive outcomes for patients undergoing surgical intervention.

Additional information

Place of work

UCLH, NHS, Other